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Hand Forged Custom Knives


How do you make your knives?

I utilize a combination of hand-forging and stock removal with a focus on hand-forged work.


Can I put my knife in the dishwasher?

You can, but don't expect a polite response if you do. Carbon steel has no business in the dishwasher. Minimal care keeps the blade clean and corrosion-free.


What do you recommend for edge maintenance?

A treated leather strop. White or green compounds work beautifully depending on preference.


Do you make folders?

Yes. I offer Higonokami folding knives in a variety of materials.


Do you use waterjet services/stamping/CNC/third-party heat treatment/laser engraving?

No. I do not employ any computerized processes in my work for any purposes other than communication. Personalization options outside of engraving are available.


Do all knives include sheaths?

All tactical and outdoor knives come with thermoform sheaths on the house that are fully compatible with standard milspec carry systems. Saya (wooden cases) for kitchen knives are available upon request.


Do you make left-handed sheaths?

Yes, left-handed sheaths are available upon request.


Do you make leather sheaths?

Yes, leather sheaths are available upon request. Pricing starts at 100USD and goes up depending on size.


I have _____ that I'd like to use as a handle material/blade steel. Will you use it for me?

Yes. I will gladly consult on all requests. 


I have a knife design in my head that I'd like to see made. Will you do it for me?

I will consult with you at no cost on custom designs. If your design includes elements that I do not utilize in my work, I will let you know.


I live in New York. How do I carry my Interrogator without raising alarm?

NYC knife laws are among the most ridiculous on the planet. Inside the five boroughs, your Interrogator is fully legal to carry only when fully concealed. Even the heel of a knife sticking out of your pocket can get you arrested. Personally, I recommend a vest-carry option or an inside-the-waistband system. As with any concealed weapon, it is your responsibility to make sure you're not printing.


I live near you! Can I come visit your shop?

While I wouldn't mind the occasional visitor, my shop is not open to the public due to insurance reasons. High-heat, sharp tools, toxic dust, etc.


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